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6 Post Formats to Boost Your LinkedIn Engagement

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There's a lot of noise on LinkedIn. A lot of similar types of post saying similar things. If you're already posting regularly, it can be easy to fall into that LinkedIn rut.

If you're not currently that active on Linkedin and trying to post more regularly, it can be hard to know how to get started.

In this article, we'll explore five post formats that can elevate your LinkedIn content and help you maximise engagement on the platform.

Bullet-Point Posts

Text-only posts are the most commonly used format on LinkedIn. With a simple text field, you can craft compelling messages, share personal experiences, and provide valuable insights.

Text-only posts work well for sharing personal experiences, offering tips and advice, expressing thanks, and sparking discussions.

Back in June 2021, LinkedIn increased the character limit to 3000 for posts. More and more users have been taking advantage of this extra space to write long posts that are almost mini articles.

To break up that copy, people are making use of emojis to make more visually appealing bullet-point lists.

Screenshot of a linkedin post from Molly Johnson-Jones about what flexibility means in the workplace using emojis to break up a bullet point list

The advantage of the mini article update is that it's right there within people's newsfeeds - they don't have to click to read beyond expanding the text to "see more".

The disadvantage is that these posts have a short shelf life. After appearing once in a newsfeed, they're gone, whereas actual articles continue to drive traffic via LinkedIn Pulse, appearing in Google search results and on your profile.


LinkedIn might be the professional social media platform, but it's still a social platform.

The rise of TikTok has re-popularised short-format video and with there's an increase in people using GIFs on LinkedIn.

They can be a great way to make your post stand out in an otherwise static newsfeed and to add a bit of humour to a celebration or opinion post.

Sites like GIPHY allow you to search and download GIFs, then you upload them to your post in the same way as adding a photo.

Just make sure you choose wisely and keep that balance between engagement and professionalism.

Quote Images

In the past, quote images were mainly associated with Instagram, but people are increasingly using them on LinkedIn to share insights from events, thought leaders, or books they've read.

If you've published a LinkedIn article, it can also be a great way to highlight some of the main points of your article and get a second hit of traffic.

Use free tools like Canva to quickly create visually appealing quote images. Try and keep the fonts and colours you use consistent between posts to keep your profile feeling coherent and professional.

Carousel Posts: Interactive and Engaging Content

Carousel posts are a dynamic and interactive format that allows you to share multiple images or videos in a single post.

Each image or video can tell a different part of your story or provide valuable information, increasing engagement and encouraging viewers to swipe through the carousel.

Experiment with a combination of images, videos, and text to make your carousel visually appealing and engaging. Use captions or text overlays to provide context and guide viewers through the carousel.

End your carousel with a clear call-to-action, inviting viewers to engage with your content further. This could be a request to comment, like, or share the post, or a link to a relevant resource or landing page.

Video Posts: Bringing Your Story to Life

Video content has become increasingly popular on social media platforms, including LinkedIn.

Video gets 5x more engagement on Linkedin than other post types. LinkedIn’s research shows that members are 20x more likely to reshare a video on LinkedIn than any other type of post.

Whether it's a tutorial, an interview, or a behind-the-scenes glimpse, videos can help you showcase your expertise and personality.

Attention spans are shorter on social media, so aim for videos that are between 1 to 3 minutes long. Start with a strong hook or teaser to entice viewers to keep watching.

End your video with a clear call-to-action, such as asking viewers to like, comment, or share the video. Encourage them to engage with your content and continue the conversation.

LinkedIn Articles: In-Depth Insights and Thought Leadership

LinkedIn Articles provide a platform for sharing long-form content and in-depth insights with your audience.

This format allows you to showcase your expertise, share industry trends, and provide valuable information to your connections.

Select topics that are relevant to your industry and resonate with your target audience. Identify gaps in existing content and provide unique perspectives or solutions.

Share your LinkedIn Article on other social media platforms, email newsletters, or relevant industry groups to maximise its reach. Encourage your connections to engage with your article by asking questions or inviting discussion.


Linkedin Post Formats

LinkedIn offers a variety of post formats that can enhance your content strategy and maximise engagement with your audience.

When creating content on LinkedIn, remember to consider your audience's preferences and interests, as well as which formats are the best fit for your personal brand.


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