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How to Use the "Open to Work" Features on LinkedIn

Screenshot of the different open to work settings available on LinkedIn

In the midst of pandemic lay-offs, LinkedIn introduced the now all-too-common "Open to Work" profile frame so that users could let recruiters and hiring managers know they were available.

Since then it's become a defining feature of the platform. But there's more to it than just the green frame on your profile picture.

It's part of a broader range of "Job Seeking Preferences" that allow you to specify your desired job type, function, industry, and location, making it easier for recruiters to find you.

Used wisely, it can be a great way to boost your profile visibility and find your next great opportunity.

How to Enable the "Open to Work" Feature on LinkedIn

Enabling the "Open to Work" feature on LinkedIn is a simple and straightforward process.

Step 1: Navigate to Your LinkedIn Profile Page

Log in to your LinkedIn account and go to your profile page. You can do this by clicking on the "Me" button in the upper right-hand corner and selecting "View Profile."

Step 2: Click on "Open to..."

Under your profile picture and contact details, you'll find a button labelled "Open to...". Click on this button to proceed.

Step 3: Select "Finding a New Job"

In the options that appear, choose "Finding a new job" to indicate that you're open to work. This will make your status visible to recruiters, businesses, and active LinkedIn users who work as recruiters.

Within this step, you'll also have the opportunity to provide more information about your job preferences, including the job titles you're interested in, desired locations, and start date flexibility. Take your time to fill out these details accurately to increase your chances of finding relevant opportunities.

Step 4: Adjust Privacy Settings

LinkedIn offers options to control who can see your "Open to Work" status. You can choose to share it with all LinkedIn members or limit visibility to recruiters only.

Consider your current employment situation and personal preferences while making this decision. If you're currently employed and wish to keep your job search confidential, selecting the "Recruiters only" option might be the best choice.

Step 5: Save Your Preferences

Once you've adjusted your settings and filled out your job preferences, click on the "Save" button to save your changes. LinkedIn will automatically update your profile with the #OpenToWork badge, making it visible to the selected audience.

Maximising the Effectiveness of the "Open to Work" Feature

While enabling the "Open to Work" feature is a great step towards finding new job opportunities, there are additional strategies you can use to maximise its effectiveness.

1. Optimise Your LinkedIn Profile

Having a well-optimised LinkedIn profile is crucial for attracting recruiters and hiring managers. Ensure that your headline, summary, and most recent experience highlight the skills and accomplishments that are most relevant to the role you want next. Use relevant keywords throughout your profile to increase your visibility in recruiter searches.

2. Leverage LinkedIn's Advanced Search Filters

Recruiters often use LinkedIn's advanced search filters to find potential candidates. Make sure your profile aligns with these filters by including relevant information such as job titles, location, industry, and skills. By doing so, you increase your chances of appearing in their search results.

3. Join LinkedIn Groups

LinkedIn groups related to your industry or job function can be valuable sources of job opportunities. Engage in discussions, share insights, and connect with fellow professionals in these groups. This will not only expand your network but also increase your visibility among recruiters who are active in these communities.

4. Network and Engage

Networking is a powerful tool in your job search. Actively engage with your LinkedIn connections by liking, commenting, and sharing relevant content. This helps you build relationships and stay top-of-mind when potential opportunities arise.

5. Craft Personalised Messages

Instead of relying solely on the "Open to Work" feature, reach out to your network directly. Send personalised messages to connections who might be able to help you in your job search. Let them know about your job preferences and ask if they have any leads or contacts in relevant companies.

6. Stay Active and Up-to-Date

Regularly update your LinkedIn profile with new skills, certifications, and achievements. Share industry-related articles, insights, and professional experiences to demonstrate your expertise.


By utilising LinkedIn's "Open to Work" feature, you can significantly increase your visibility to recruiters, hiring managers, and your network. This feature allows you to showcase your availability and job preferences, leading to more relevant opportunities coming your way.

However, remember that the "Open to Work" feature is just one aspect of a successful job search strategy. Optimising your LinkedIn profile, engaging with your network, and actively searching for opportunities will help you maximise your chances of finding your dream job.


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