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How to Add Certificates and Skills to Your LinkedIn Profile

Meme of Grease saying I've got skills they're multiplying

To make the most of your LinkedIn profile and boost your online visibility, it's essential to optimise it with relevant information, including course certificates and skills.

In this guide, we'll walk you through the step-by-step process of adding course certificates and skills to your LinkedIn profile.

1. Why Adding Course Certificates and Skills Matters

Benefits of Adding Course Certificates:

  • Demonstrate Continuous Learning: By showcasing your course certificates on your profile, you indicate to potential employers and connections that you are committed to professional development and staying up-to-date with industry trends.

  • Highlight Specialised Knowledge: Course certificates provide evidence of your expertise in specific subject areas, making you stand out compared to other professionals in your field.

  • Boost Credibility and Trust: When others see that you have completed reputable courses, they perceive you as a credible and knowledgeable professional.

  • Increase Job Opportunities: Employers and recruiters often search for candidates with specific skills and qualifications. By adding course certificates, you increase your chances of getting noticed and considered for job opportunities.

Benefits of Adding Skills:

  • Improve Searchability: Adding relevant skills to your profile increases the likelihood of appearing in search results when recruiters and employers are looking for professionals with specific skill sets.

  • Demonstrate Expertise: Skills showcase your areas of expertise and help establish you as a subject matter expert in your industry.

  • Enhance Network Relevance: Having a well-curated skills section ensures that your profile aligns with your desired industry and professional connections, increasing the chances of meaningful engagement and networking opportunities.

  • Enable Endorsements and Recommendations: Skills make it easier for your connections to endorse your abilities and write recommendations, further boosting your credibility and social proof.

2. How to Add Course Certificates to Your LinkedIn Profile

Adding course certificates to your LinkedIn profile is a straightforward process.

Accessing Your Learning History

To add course certificates to your LinkedIn profile, you'll need to access your Learning History page. Here's how you can do it:

  1. Click on your profile picture in the upper right corner of your LinkedIn Learning homepage.

  2. Click Learning History from the dropdown menu.

Adding Course Certificates

Once you're on your Learning History page, follow these steps to add course certificates to your profile:

  1. Click More to the right of the course title you want to add.

  2. Select Add to profile from the dropdown menu.

  3. Review the course content section to ensure you've completed all the necessary requirements, such as watching all the videos.

  4. From the confirmation pop-up window, check the Share with network box if you want to notify your connections about your course completion on LinkedIn. You can choose to share the update with all your connections or select specific individuals.

  5. Click Add to Profile to complete the process.

Sharing Your Course Completion

Sharing your course completion is an excellent way to showcase your newly acquired skills and attract the attention of potential employers and connections.

Here's how you can share your course completion on LinkedIn:

  1. After adding the course certificate to your profile, navigate to your LinkedIn homepage.

  2. In the Start a post section, write a brief update highlighting your achievement and the skills you gained from the course.

  3. Tag relevant individuals or companies in your post to increase its visibility and reach.

  4. Click Post to share your update with your network.

3. How to Add Skills to Your LinkedIn Profile

The Skills section is a powerful tool for showcasing your expertise and attracting the attention of potential employers and connections.

Here's how to add or edit the skills on your profile:

  1. Click on your profile picture in the upper right corner of your LinkedIn homepage.

  2. Select View profile from the dropdown menu.

  3. Scroll down to the Skills section of your profile.

In the Skills section, you can add, remove, and rearrange skills to ensure they accurately represent your expertise and align with your professional goals.

Which skills to include on your LinkedIn profile?

When adding skills to your profile, it's crucial to choose ones that are relevant to your industry, job role, and career goals.

Here's how you can select the most appropriate skills:

  1. Analyse Job Descriptions: Review job descriptions of roles you're interested in and identify the key skills employers are seeking. Incorporate these skills into your profile.

  2. Research Industry Trends: Stay updated on the latest industry trends and identify emerging skills that are in high demand. Adding these skills to your profile can demonstrate your adaptability and forward-thinking mindset.

  3. Leverage LinkedIn's Suggestions: LinkedIn provides skill suggestions based on your profile information. Consider these suggestions and add relevant ones to your profile.

Maximising Your Skills Section

Change the Order

You're in control of the order in which skills show up on your profile. Make sure the skills that are most critical to the roles and opportunities you're looking for next are listed first.

Showcase Your Expertise

Simply listing skills on your profile isn't enough. To stand out, you need to showcase your expertise in each skill.

Here's how you can do it effectively:

  1. Provide Examples: Under each skill, include specific examples of how you've utilised that skill in your professional experience. This helps validate your proficiency and provides context for potential employers.

  2. Quantify Achievements: Whenever possible, quantify your achievements related to each skill. For example, if you're skilled in project management, mention the number of successful projects you've led or the percentage of cost savings achieved.

  3. Highlight Certifications: If you have relevant certifications related to a particular skill, mention them in the skill description. This adds credibility and demonstrates your commitment to continuous learning.

Optimise Your Skills for Search

To ensure your profile appears in relevant search results, optimise your skills for search.

  1. Use Keywords: Incorporate industry-specific keywords into your skills section. This helps search algorithms identify your profile as a relevant match for search queries.

  2. Prioritise Key Skills: Place your most important and relevant skills at the top of your skills section. This ensures they're prominently displayed and increases the likelihood of catching the attention of recruiters and employers.

  3. Seek Endorsements: Encourage your connections to endorse your skills. Endorsements act as social proof and can improve your visibility in search results.

By following these strategies, you can maximise the impact of your skills section and increase your online visibility within your industry.


Enhancing your LinkedIn profile with course certificates and relevant skills is essential for maximising your online visibility and professional opportunities.

By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can effectively showcase your expertise, attract the attention of recruiters and employers, and position yourself as a thought leader in your industry.

Remember to regularly update your profile, engage with your network, and share valuable content to maintain an active and impactful online presence on LinkedIn.

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